Vivian is going to add more games on Games for everyone!
Vivian noticed that the games in Games don't work! So she deleted that page! At least we have Games for Everyone!
Vivian is adding more things to the Art Gallery! So stay tuned!
Xiang Jing and Robin gave Vivian the Idea of "Bakugan AMV" they said it rocks!
Vivian added pictures for every page!
Vivian is trying to look for more things for Show's!
We have lot's of visitors! Thank you!!!
Vivian is looking for songs for the list.
Vivian added a Treasure Box!
Vivian Deleted the page "Club Penguin"It took to much room!
Vivian added Memories!
Vivian added something in "Show's" Check it out!
Vivian has deleted the page"Chat" because there are 2 chat boxes.
Vivian added Doctor Vivian and the Check up is not done yet!
Meggie wanted a pokemon thing.(Vivian is looking for that "Pokemon Thing"
Vivian added poptropica in her website on Widget Gallery!
Please post my banner on your website.
People like the new Bakugan AMV! THANK YOU ROBIN AND XIANG JING!
Woot! Thank you everyone for saying you like my site!!! =)
Please leave a comment. In Chat.


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